
Since version 1.4.5 all modal operators support values typing and simple math operations (+, -, /, *);

Some general hints on using curves in Blender that help me to cable cables faster and better.

Editing Curvesļƒ

While in edit mode:

  • Grab (G) control points handles to rotate points;

  • Scale (S) one handle to move it towards to/backwards from control point;

  • Tilt (Ctrl/Cmd+T) control points to rotate cable profiles;

  • Assign shortcut to Segments > Subdivide to quickly add new points between selected points;

  • Iā€™d also recommend to assign shortcuts to Set Handle Type > Automatic and Set Handle Type > Aligned. Or use a default V key for a menu for handle types;

  • Flexi Bezier Tool is a free addon for working with Bezier Curves in Blender: it allows for quick reshaping beziers, adding points in specific locations;